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 Nepal Election 2022
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Posted on 10-10-22 7:32 PM     Reply [Subscribe]
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This is a thread to post your views in upcoming Nepal politics.

In my view, the Nepali people should elect less Bahun Chettri male candidates above 55 years of age. Don't get me wrong, I have a lot of respect for them. My own uncles and mamas are very much involved in politics and also bureaucracy. They have immensely contributed so far for the country. However, I think that they lack new ideas now. They think a like, and I think that is why the country feels stuck in time for the last few years. The country needs new ideas, and I doubt my "uncle" and "mama" can come up with new ideas at their age. 😁
Posted on 10-10-22 7:54 PM     [Snapshot: 16]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Again the caste thing. People just need to elect good leaders. Some Bahun Chettri over 55 can still be good leaders. Take Balen Shah, people were attracted by his vision and did not care if he was young or old or Bahun Chettri magar Gurung damai kami Newar
Posted on 10-10-22 9:37 PM     [Snapshot: 38]     Reply [Subscribe]
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I also used to think that good vision is everything. But think about it if all the leaders were old white men in the US, be in politics, business or other places. I think that would have been suffocating for everyone including younger white folks. Diversity brings diverse ideas.

Gurung, Magar would think about things differently than Madheshi, and Bahun would think differently than Rai, Limbu. And, I don't think that everyone can have one same great idea. We need small great ideas to create a great society and a great country. My two cents.
Posted on 10-11-22 2:01 PM     [Snapshot: 95]     Reply [Subscribe]
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हरखे सर, बाहुन छेत्रीलाइ नेपाली राजनीति बाट निकाल्यो भने नेपाल भुटान जस्तो हुन्छ . बाहुन छेत्री जस्तो तृष्णा बुद्धि भएको सायदै अरु कुनै जात होला . बरु बिग्रेका बाहुन छेत्रीलाइ चै चुनि चुनि येस्पली पाखा लगाउ भनेको झन् उल्टो भयो जस्तै डा स्वोर्निम वाग्ले , डा मिनेन्द्र रिजाल , डा राम सरन महत , डा भिम रावल , युवराज ज्ञवाली , घनश्याम भुसाल जस्ता बौदिक खस आर्यको राजनीति येस्पली देखि समाप्त भयो . समाप्त गर्ने उही फटाहा छेत्री बाहुन ओली , देउबा, दाहाल.
Posted on 10-12-22 9:05 PM     [Snapshot: 180]     Reply [Subscribe]
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EDV sir, म बाहुन क्षेत्रीको तृस्णा बुद्धिको सहराना गर्छु | म पनि त्यस्तो तृश्णा बुद्धि पाएँकोमा कृतिज्ञ छु | 😊 मैले भन्न खोजेको त्यस्तो बुद्धि राजनीतिमा मात्र लगाउनु भएन | त्यो अरु बिधामा पनि लगाउनु पर्यो | Economics मा पनि लगाउनु पर्यो | Whatever we say, this world is run by the corporations and many of them are in the US. If we want recognition for our smartness in the world, we need to master economics. Economics is what puts food on our table. And, you know food comes before any ideology for the mind.
Posted on 10-12-22 10:10 PM     [Snapshot: 191]     Reply [Subscribe]
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आज मस्तिस्क बिसयको डकुमेन्ट्री हेर्दै थिए धेरै घत लाग्दा कुरा मा मानिसका मस्तिस्क आफैमा एउटा घत लाग्दो बिसय हो भने "बाहुन छेत्री जस्तो तृष्णा बुद्धि भएको सायदै अरु कुनै जात होला" झनै घत माथिको महा घत लाग्दो बिषय लाग्यो
राजनीति भनेको बौद्दिक खेल हो जहा साररिक परिश्रमको कुनै आबस्यक्ता छैन उदाहरणको लागि स्टेफेन हव्किंग लाई लिन सक्नु हुन्छ | तेसैले सस्क्रितका विद्वान ले स्लोक् मा जति खर्च गर्यो त्यति बढ्ने सबै भन्दा ठुलो धन बिध्या जुन हिन्दकुश छेत्रमा २००० बर्स अघि देखि ब्राम्हण र क्षत्रिय हरुमा सिमित राखियो | ७० - ८० बर्स यता शिक्षालाइ सबै जातमा पुर्याईएको छ | बाहुन छेत्रीले २०००० बर्स देखी प्रयोग गर्दै आएका साम दाम दण्ड र भेद नीति को ग्यान पाउन ब्राम्हण र छेत्री बाहेक का अरु जातले ले कम्तिमा पनि २ -४ सौ बर्स कुर्नु पर्छ |
तृष्णा बुद्धि संस्थागत रुपमा बनाईएर मात्रै बाहुन छेत्री बन्न पुगेका हुन्, अरुजातिलाई यो संस्थागत विकासे काममा २००० बर्स छुट्याएर राखे पछि सायदै अरु कुनै जात को खोजि गर्नु बलुवा निचोरेर तेल निकालन खोज्नु हो |
Posted on 10-12-22 11:17 PM     [Snapshot: 220]     Reply [Subscribe]
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ठिक ठाउँमा मस्तिस्क न भएको मान्छेले मस्तिस्कको डकुमेंटरी हेर्दा झन् मस्तिस्क उलटपुलट हुने जानकारी गराउछु।
Posted on 10-13-22 1:27 PM     [Snapshot: 292]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Trichhna ra Trishna ma akash jamin ko farak chha. Trichhna bhaneko angrejima sharp bhayo, Trishna bhaneko angrejima thirst, craving bhayo.Nepali lekhda kripaya hijje milayera lekhnu hola.

Harkeji, tapainko yo bhanai chahin ghamanda ko parakasta bhayo. Yo bakyama pani tin ota hijje bigreko chha . Patta launus ta.

“म पनि त्यस्तो तृश्णा बुद्धि पाएँकोमा कृतिज्ञ छु”

Bahun Chettri lai bahek garne hoina tara chhyamataban manchhe sarki, damai kami jahan bata aayepani janata le swikar garchhan. Yo praman ta Balen shah batai dekhiyi sakiyo
Posted on 10-13-22 1:42 PM     [Snapshot: 298]     Reply [Subscribe]
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"बाहुन छेत्रीलाइ नेपाली राजनीति बाट निकाल्यो भने नेपाल भुटान जस्तो हुन्छ" भन्ने मित्रहरुलाइ सिंगापूरका निर्माता Lee Kuan Yew , जापानका Shinzo Abe , मलेसियाका Tunku Abdul Rahman Putra Alhaj , काठमाडौँका राजा रत्न मल्ल बाहुन थिए कि छेत्री भनेर प्रस्न गर्न मन लाग्यो .
Posted on 10-14-22 7:17 PM     [Snapshot: 416]     Reply [Subscribe]
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@Logan You have heard about mind games in dating? If the couple play mind games in dating, it usually ends up badly. And, most of the times they get tired and break-up. Thats why at some point I think that you have to accept the situation and move on to preserve what you have built so far together.


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