कसैले कपाल प्रत्यारोपण गर्नु भएको छ ? यदि गर्नु भएको छ भने यो कत्तिको भरपर्दो र चिरस्थाई हुन्छ .श्रीमान नेपाल गएर कपाल प्रत्यारोपण गर्ने सोचमा हुनुहुन्छ .वहाको इस्टीमेट खर्च लगभग १० लाखको हाराहारीमा आएको छ र तिन महिना लाग्छ भनेको छ .वहाँ घर बाटै काम गर्ने भएकोले ३ महिना नेपालमै बस्ने सोच छ तर तेत्तिका पैसा खर्च गरेर पनि नतिजा आएन भने थप मानसिक तनाब हुन्छ जस्तो लाग्यो .
मैले धेरै इन्टरनेट रिसर्च गरे तर निस्कर्स केहि निस्किएन . कसैले एस्तो उपचार गर्नु भएको भए अनुभब सुनाउनुस न .
Posted on 10-11-22 6:13
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१० लाख मै चिल्लेको तालु हराभरा हुने भए त २ करोडको गाडी चड्ने भुवन केसी किन १५०० को नक्कली विग लगाएर हिड्थ्यो होला र . खेर गएको समय र चिल्लेलेको तालु फर्किदैन.
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Posted on 10-12-22 12:34
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Talu ko budi lai seggs garda majja aaudaina jasto cha . Tehi bhayeara achal sharma ko budo ko clinic ma kalo plastic khhopna jaadai cha . K bhayo talu ko budi ? Prasta bhana na 😀😀😀😀
Posted on 05-02-23 9:24
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Minoxidil works completely fine for men in pattern hair loss . this is the product we recently launched and it has 100% positive response . worth trying before transplant .
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Posted on 05-03-23 3:58
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Aba Biha nabhako bhaye po kapal halni yeso keti le man paraulan bhannu thiyo aba tapai le talu lai biha gari saknu bhayo pattyai saknu bhayo ke ko lagi paisa kharcha garnu paryo ?ropeko nepali haru pani dekhiyo , tehi 2,4 tandra lai aha bhanya chan basya chan lakhaun kharcha garera , kapal jhapakka bhayera baddni haina raicha bekkar paisa badi bhako bhaye yeso dan diye huncha garib lai padai diye huncha ni baru :)
Risk of developing potentially serious cardiac effects.110b (See Cardiovascular Effects under Cautions.) Pericardial effusion, progressing to tamponade may occur and angina pectoris may be exacerbated.110b Reserve for hypertensive patients who do not respond to maximum therapeutic doses of a diuretic and 2 other antihypertensive agents.110b
In animal studies, minoxidil caused myocardial lesions and other adverse cardiac effects.110b
Administer under close supervision, usually concomitantly with a β-adrenergic blocking agent (β-blocker) and a diuretic, usually a loop diuretic, to prevent adverse effects.110b
Hospitalize and monitor patients with malignant hypertension or those already receiving concomitant guanethidine therapy to prevent too rapid or severe orthostatic decreases in BP.110b
Posted on 05-04-23 3:24
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minoxidil Oral tablets cannot be sold over the counter, you need physician recommendation because they cause negative libido effect , meaning your sexual desire drops by 25% as they start producing hair growth hormones.
topical minoxidil ( spray you put in ur scalp) has no documented side effects other than some etching in a very few population and its FDA approved to sell in usa/cananda over the counter . if you have a male pattern hair loss and if its starting/middle phase its always wise to start with spray . oral pill minoxidil results uncontrolled hair growth everywhere including scalp .
Posted on 06-07-23 2:37
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Transplant is the last resort , if spray dosenot work you have go with oral pills . Oral pills activate hair growth hormons and result is exceptipnal . Bad side is hair grows everywhere in the body if you take excess medicine .
TPS for Venezuela is terminated, only 60 days extension for transition period
Has anyone here successfully reinstated to F-1 status after a year-long gap following a drop from F-1?
If you got nothing to lose, fight tooth and nail explore every avenue
Trump admin revokes 18 months TPS extension for Venezuelans
Travel Document for TPS (approved)
TPS Parents' Newborns to Lose U.S. Citizenship Rights
" अनि ग्रिन कार्ड बन्यो त ?"
Nepal TPS , What Next???????
Alert: Deported over Traffic Ticket
House Passes First Immigration Crackdown Bill
Are we sure that TPS for Nepal will be terminated under the Trump admin?
Proposal: Parents' Immigration Status on US Birth Certificate
Court Hearing Approval.
Has anyone entered US recently on TPS travel document or know of anyone who did?
Who is hottest nepali female?
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