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 F1 to out of status to tps to gc journey
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Posted on 10-09-22 1:06 AM     Reply [Subscribe]
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Finally today I heard a good news. A friend of mine got his gc approved. He came as f1 and became out of status in 2010 once he left school. In 2015 he got his tps and travelled Nepal few times in advance parole. Worked in Nepali restaurant and applied gc from there in 2021. Got denied at first but appealed to re inspect his situation with recent change is law for re entering the country with adv parole which forgives his previous status. After that In about 3 or 4 months GC is approved.
Only sharing this so anyone who has been out of status and is in tps now find sponsors and apply gc. You are eligible for GC. There is a hope and do not give up. Good luck!!
Last edited: 09-Oct-22 01:34 AM

Posted on 10-09-22 9:08 AM     [Snapshot: 56]     Reply [Subscribe]
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Baula muze , there is no change of law unless he fake married citizen there is no way he can get a gc approped . Ani muze tero nepali resturent ko sau nai out of status hola testa daridra ley tero sathi lai ke GC apply gardincha ?

Reaturent ko porter lai Gc spnsor . Muze hawa LOGAN
Last edited: 09-Oct-22 09:11 AM

Posted on 10-09-22 10:00 AM     [Snapshot: 80]     Reply [Subscribe]
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This is what I thought too, but then Mangale (we really miss his informed knowledge!) told me around last year, this will only be applicable if you live in certain 6th circuit states. I do not know if your friend lives in that state? Later I remember Sexy in Sari writing about it too when it was passed , but that time again, I believed it was only applying to people who came illegally, got TPS and then married to citizens or something. I was not sure if it applies for job sponsorships.
But if it does, then that is a good news.

Sexy in Sari's link:

Posted on 10-09-22 12:32 PM     [Snapshot: 126]     Reply [Subscribe]
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My friend does not live in 6th circuit city. I think it was at same time when sexy in sari posted that new law. His lawyers appealed using the same law and now it’s approved. So anyone in same boat don’t lose hope and get sponsors and apply GC. Also make sure you have traveled outside and returned using adv parole. Lawyer recommends that to travel and return.

GayPride - ए दुःखी आत्मा !!

Posted on 10-09-22 1:35 PM     [Snapshot: 148]     Reply [Subscribe]
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गर्भमै सिक्यौ खुकुरी चलाउन
पर्दैन सिक्न बारुद खेलाउन
नेपाली हौ तिमी संसारै जित्ने
पर्दैन वनको काँडालाई तिखार्न
अब खुकुरी सित कलम यो
दिन्छु तिमीलाई मेरो निशानी
Posted on 12-16-22 12:02 PM     [Snapshot: 1161]     Reply [Subscribe]
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@Gaitundey, this is really helpful news for me. could you lease DM me so I can get some more information on this issue.


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